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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Multi-stage simulation under cold forming using Transient Structural Reply To: Multi-stage simulation under cold forming using Transient Structural






it took a while to simulate this, but it was cancelled with this error: 
(I did it with minimal steps of 200 and a pinball radius of 10mm but not in static structure yet, I will try this now)

*** ERROR ***                           CP =   28162.141   TIME= 02:29:06
 An error has occurred in the Distributed Sparse Matrix Solver used by  
 the PCG solver while saving the solver workspace data.  Error code =   
 18.  Please send the data leading to this operation to your technical  
 support provider, as this will allow ANSYS, Inc to improve the         
 ERROR: Worker process(es) with rank(s) 2 have encountered a FATAL error.
 The information below was gathered from the file*.out output file(s).
 Please review the worker process output file(s) listed below for more
 details on this error.
 Worker Process Output File .\file2.out:
*** FATAL ***                           CP =   28081.828   TIME= 02:29:06
 MPI error code = 943788558 which translates to:                        
 Message truncated, error stack:                                        
 MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0000006D58DEB32C, rbuf=0000006D58DF3340, count=1,   
 datatype=MPI_INT, op=MPI_MAX, comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed              




The simulation in the ‘Static Structural’ module worked! Thanks for the tip with the pinball