Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Free Student Software Workbench-Magnetostatic ” The option of C on the MP command” error Reply To: Workbench-Magnetostatic ” The option of C on the MP command” error

Lydia Lymperopoulou
Ansys Employee
Hello, The EMAG solver of Mechanical is not the most optimized solution for these calculations and that's probably why you are getting into these issues. Maxwell offers more support and automation to resolve magnetic field calculations. Also, Student versions have some limitations especially in number of DOFs and could be the reason why you see this. You can have a look at the Electronics desktop and see how much you can increase your analysis capabilities. Download from here If you would like to try this as a workaround; Go to Engineering Data and select a material (air or any other) and turn off "filter engineering data. Go to View-> Refresh and delete properties that are not required for the analysis. Please, delete Specific heat, thermal conductivity. Go to Project schematic and "refresh" the project. You can re-try to solve and see if it works now. I hope this helps. Best Regards