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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics AEDT – Maxwell 3D Update Link to SpaceClaimModel Reply To: AEDT – Maxwell 3D Update Link to SpaceClaimModel



Here is the basic step-by-step description, what I try to do:
- Design a CAD model in SpaceClaim
- Create a new Maxwell-3D project in AEDT
- Open the “Modeler” menu in AEDT and select “SpaceClaim Link” -> “Connect to Active Session…” -> Select the active session and click “Connect”
- Assign the required boundary conditions and set up the model for Maxwell simulation
- Run the simulation
- Make adjustments on the CAD Model in SpaceClaim
- Import these adjustments by right-clicking on the SpaceClaim model in the model tree in AEDT and select “Generate”
- Changes are getting updated and the simulation can be run again
- Close SpaceClaim
- Move the CAD file to another location (e.g. a colleague needs to continue the simulations)
- Open SpaceClaim and make additional changes to the CAD model on the other location
- Open the AEDT project and try to “Generate” the SpaceClaim model again

At this point, the process always fails because I don’t know of any way to update the link to the new source location of the CAD model. If you know of a way to tell AEDT the new location of the *.scdoc file, please let me know.
If I have to create a NEW link, the model will be imported a second time, which requires setting up all the boundary conditions again, which is a hell of a lot of work.