Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Multi-stage simulation under cold forming using Transient Structural Reply To: Multi-stage simulation under cold forming using Transient Structural


Try increasing the Frictional Contact Pinball Radius to 10 mm. There is no reason to make it so small is there?

Please click the Solution Information folder and look at the Solution Output. Use Ctrl-F to search for the word error. Copy some of the text above the error into your reply.

Change from Solution Output to Newton-Raphson Force Residual plot. Take a screen snapshot and show us the progress of the solution.

If the messages show that the solution fails to converge, change the Minimimum Substeps to 200.

Make a copy of your project to try replacing Transient Structural with Static Structural analysis by a right click on the top of the analysis and use the drop down menu. See if you can get the Static Structural analysis to converge. A RAM velocity of 1.67 m/s may be slow enough that inertia forces are small enough to neglect.