Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Sector Mesh generator Reply To: Sector Mesh generator

Ansys Employee

Hi, Usman,

  1. If you mean the tutorial "Simulating a Diesel Engine Using a Sector Mesh" by tutorial 1, I've run the CR Utility using the project file provided in the tutorial and the calculation completed successfully in a few minutes and without any issues.
  2. I've also run a complete simulation using the same project file and the calculation also completed successfully in about 30 minutes without any issues.
  3. It seems that you did not test the project file provided in the tutorial. Instead, you set up the project following the instructions in the tutorial and this project was having issues. In this case, please check the setup and make sure no mistakes are made.
  4. It's not possible to convert a 1/6th model to a 1/7th model in Forte. You need to create a new geometry/mesh.
  5. For a solid-cone injector the injected mass you input in the setup is for the full 360-degree domain. In light of this, there should not be any significant differences in global variables between a 1/6th model and a 1/7th model. However, you should expect local differences in the spatial distributions between these two models because the number of nozzles are different.