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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics RCWA – running sequentially on the command prompt Reply To: RCWA – running sequentially on the command prompt

Ruzan Sokhoyan

Should I write this?

cd /{path_of_simulation_files}
/opt/lumerical/v242/bin/fdtd-run-local.sh -n 32 *.fsp

If I do it, I get an error. Here is the information from the log file:

"All processes are communicating and ready to proceed to simulation...
Running fsp file: /opt/lumerical/v232/bin/fdtd-engine-mpich2nem -t 1 -nw RCWA_free_space_1.fsp
There is no FDTD simulation region saved in the fsp file. The simulation cannot proceed.
Error: parallel error, at least one process could not read the designated file. Process number: 0 had this error"

How do I need to modify the command line?