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Hi GilmoreMaker,
I attempted to locate your direct contact but, unable cross-reference.
But, here are the items I look for when troubleshooting licensing - from a client perspective:
1. the license server reference
optional: set environment variables (first points to the license server, second tells Ansys apps to not look for an ansyslmd.ini if the env var does not work):
ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@(your license server host name)
2. do a lmstat to confirm license server connection and version
Look for the versions on the following lines (for current versions you want to see 11.19.5):
license server UP (MASTER) v11.19.5
ansyslmd: UP v11.19.5
3. do a lmstat to list all features and TECS dates in the installed license file:
4. use "ansysli_util" to attempt to checkout - this is in the "licensingclient" folder
5. if these are failing, then I would probably set a static port on the license server vendor process
The license file(s) SERVER line sets the LMGRD port to 1055 (default)
The license file(s) VENDOR line can be modified to set a static port for the vendor daemon (restart the license service after making this change).
change: VENDOR ansyslmd
to: VENDOR ansyslmd PORT=1056
Then from the client machine confirm TCP connectivity to both ports
Linux has multiple methods such as: "telnet LicenseServerName 1055" and "telnet LicenseServerName 1056"
Windows powershell has "tnc" ex: from a CMD, run:
powershell -Command "TNC LicenseServerName 1055
powershell -Command "TNC LicenseServerName 1056
If the connections fail, look for: firewalls, license server processes running, incorrect ports
If the ports are both connecting and still issues, try referencing the vendor daemon port and doing a checkout
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1056@(your license server host name)
These tests should identify the issue.