We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Employee

Hi GilmoreMaker,

I attempted to locate your direct contact but, unable cross-reference.

But, here are the items I look for when troubleshooting licensing - from a client perspective:

1. the license server reference 
default:  \shared_files\licensing\ansyslmd.ini     
optional: set environment variables (first points to the license server, second tells Ansys apps to not look for an ansyslmd.ini if the env var does not work):
                 ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@(your license server host name)
2. do a lmstat to confirm license server connection and version
         \v2xx\licensingclient\\lmutil  lmstat -c 1055@(your license server host name)
Look for the versions on the following lines (for current versions you want to see 11.19.5):
         license server UP (MASTER) v11.19.5
         ansyslmd: UP v11.19.5
3. do a lmstat to list all features and TECS dates in the installed license file:
         \v2xx\licensingclient\\lmutil  lmstat -c 1055@(your license server host name) -i
4. use "ansysli_util" to attempt to checkout - this is in the "licensingclient" folder
         \v2xx\licensingclient\\ansysli_util  -checkout  ansys
5. if these are failing, then I would probably set a static port on the license server vendor process
     The license file(s) SERVER line sets the LMGRD port to 1055   (default)
     The license file(s) VENDOR line can be modified to set a static port for the vendor daemon (restart the license service after making this change).
          change:   VENDOR ansyslmd
          to:   VENDOR ansyslmd PORT=1056

     Then from the client machine confirm TCP connectivity to both ports
      Linux has multiple methods such as:   "telnet  LicenseServerName  1055"  and   "telnet  LicenseServerName  1056"
     Windows powershell has "tnc" ex:  from a CMD, run: 
        powershell -Command "TNC LicenseServerName 1055
        powershell -Command "TNC LicenseServerName 1056
If the connections fail, look for: firewalls, license server processes running, incorrect ports

If the ports are both connecting and still issues, try referencing the vendor daemon port and doing a checkout
        export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1056@(your license server host name)
         \v2xx\licensingclient\\ansysli_util  -checkout  ansys

These tests should identify the issue.