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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Change Material Property Reply To: Change Material Property

Ansys Employee

1) Yes, using the GUI.

2) Material data is stored in the material ID. You can find in the .dat file. Open this file in notepad.

3) MP,,ID,, --> Change the ID number.

MP,DENS,1,5.2, ! tonne mm^-3
MP,EX,1,1000, ! tonne s^-2 mm^-1
MP, NUXY,1,0.3,
MP,DENS,2,5.2, ! tonne mm^-3
MP,EX,2,1000, ! tonne s^-2 mm^-1
MP, NUXY,2,0.3,
4&5) Those are element IDs, in this case no need to use them.