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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna FSI: Error 40746 (SOL+746) information Reply To: FSI: Error 40746 (SOL+746) information



Hello Reno,

I have put the Tsize value for both laminate materials back to 0 and the FSI model now can run without errors aparently.

However, I can’t be sure about it. Although I am running an explicit model (I am using *ICFD_Control_Time and *Control_Timestep for the fluid and solid solvers respectively, and without any implicit control cards), it seems that the structural solver (I guess) ignores the timestep given and is performing an implicit analysis with dt = 2.67e-09. Therefore, the structural solver is still running in its first iteration and I can’t tell if everything is going fine. I am attaching a screenshot of it as well as the *Control_Timestep control card.

The timestep is set to be 0.05s. Also, as I said before, the ICFD part of the model runs as expected with this explicit configuration.

Let me know what you think, please.

Thank you very much.