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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products SpaceClaim Workbench plug in issues ANSYS 2023 R2 Reply To: SpaceClaim Workbench plug in issues ANSYS 2023 R2

Rajeshwari Jadhav
Ansys Employee

Hi Jonathan,

Go to Start Menu Expand Ansys 202x Rx folder--> Right-click on CAD Configuration Manager 202x Rx and run as administrator--> Check on SpaceClaim (all users) and click Next--> Configure Selected CAD Interface.

Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v2xx  and configure the application again, by right-clicking the productconfig.exe file and select "Run as Administrator"> Unconfigure products then configure again by selecting all options. Make sure you run this as administrator and install all the prerequisites.

Let me know if this helps you