August 19, 2024 at 3:27 pm
I think the issue was with the order of each force quantities, it was in the scale if E-09 or E-11 so I used a factor which multiplied these insignificant quantities to compare with the others.
anyway, now my question is simple, I get to see how many particles stick and how many bounce from the object. How do I visualise the contours for the same? I would want to display the particle adhesion on a surface as a heatmap.
here is my code:
#include “udf.h”
#include “dpm.h”
#define mu 0.5
#define PI 3.14
real FD(real diam, real velocidad)
return ((1/2) * 1.225 * 0.44 * M_PI*(((diam)*(diam))/4) * (velocidad*velocidad));
FILE *fp1;
FILE *fp2;
FILE *fp3;
//real x[3];
//x[0] = 0.0; // Assign value to the x component
//x[1] = 0.0; // Assign value to the y component
//x[2] = 0.0; // Assign value to the z component
DEFINE_DPM_DRAG(particle_drag_force, Re, p)
FILE *fp1;
real w, drag_force, F, nf, ff, ff123;
Thread* tcell = P_CELL_THREAD(p);
cell_t c = P_CELL(p);
real relVel[ND_3], dvtdn, fluidVel[ND_3];
if (Re < 1)
drag_force = 18;
else if (Re < 20.0)
w = log10(Re);
drag_force = 18.0 + 2.367 * pow(Re, 0.82 – 0.05 * w);
drag_force = 18.0 + 3.483 * pow(Re, 0.6305);
NV_D(fluidVel, =, C_U(c, tcell), C_V(c, tcell), C_W(c, tcell)); //assigning fluid velocity components to vector
NV_VV(relVel, =, fluidVel, -, P_VEL(p)); //calculating relative velocity of flow on particle by subtracting absolute particle velocity from fluid velocity
dvtdn = NV_MAG(relVel); //calculation of relative velocity magnitude
// P_USER_REAL(p, 0) = FD(drag_force, C_MU_L(c, tcell), P_RHO(p), P_DIAM(p), P_MASS(p), dvtdn); /*Drag force*/
P_USER_REAL(p, 0) = FD(P_DIAM(p), dvtdn); /*Drag force*/
P_USER_REAL(p, 1) = dvtdn;
// F = (1/2)*1.225*0.3*M_PI*(((P_DIAM(p))*(P_DIAM(p)))/4)*(dvtdn*dvtdn);
// F = (1/2)*1.225*0.3*10000000*M_PI*(((P_DIAM(p))*(P_DIAM(p)))/4)*(dvtdn*dvtdn)*(10000000000);
// P_USER_REAL(p, 2) = F;
// nf = C_P(c, tcell) * M_PI (((P_DIAM(p))*(P_DIAM(p)))/4) *10000000000;
fp1=fopen (“Impact-2-drag-data.txt” , “a”);
// fprintf( fp1 , “%e %f %e %f %f %e %e\n”, P_USER_REAL(p, 0), P_USER_REAL(p, 1), P_USER_REAL(p, 2), drag_force, P_DIAM(p), F, P_USER_REAL(p, 3));
real diameter_squared = P_DIAM(p) * P_DIAM(p);
real area_term = (diameter_squared) / 4;
real velocity_term = dvtdn * dvtdn;
real constant_factor = (1.0 / 2.0) * 1.225 * 0.3 * PI;
F = constant_factor * area_term * velocity_term * (10000000);
P_USER_REAL(p, 2) = F;
nf = C_P(c, tcell) * (PI/4.0) * diameter_squared *10000000;
ff = mu * nf;
ff123 = ff;
P_USER_REAL(p, 3) = ff123;
fprintf(fp1, “Area Term: %e, Velocity Term: %e, F (final): %e, Constant factor: %e, friction force: %e, Normal force: %e\n”, area_term, velocity_term, P_USER_REAL(p, 2), constant_factor, P_USER_REAL(p, 3), nf);
fprintf(fp1, “Pressure: %e, ff123: %e\n”, C_P(c, tcell), ff123);
return (drag_force);
DEFINE_DPM_BC(wall_model, p, t, f, f_normal, dim)
real alpha; /* angle of particle path with face normal */
real vn=0.;
real nor_coeff = 0.3;
real tan_coeff = 0.3;
real normal[3];
int i;
real posx, posy, posz;
// real NV_VEC(x);
real x[ND_ND];
//#if !RP_HOST
#if RP_2D
//dim is always 2 in 2D compilation. Need special treatment for 2d axisymmetric and swirl flows
if (rp_axi_swirl)
real R = sqrt(P_POS(p)[1]*P_POS(p)[1] +
if (R > 1.e-20)
idim = 3;
normal[0] = f_normal[0];
normal[1] = (f_normal[1]*P_POS(p)[1])/R;
normal[2] = (f_normal[1]*P_POS(p)[2])/R;
for (i=0; i
normal[i] = f_normal[i];
for (i=0; i
normal[i] = f_normal[i];
//Message (“Text \n”);
if (p->type == DPM_TYPE_INERT)
if (fabs(P_USER_REAL(p, 2)) < fabs(P_USER_REAL(p, 3)))
// Particle bounce: Aerodynamic force > Pressure force on particle. So particle must be resuspended to the flow.
posx = P_POS(p)[0];
posy = P_POS(p)[1];
posz = P_POS(p)[2];
P_USER_REAL(p, 4) = posx;
P_USER_REAL(p, 5) = posy;
P_USER_REAL(p, 6) = posz;
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] = 0;
P_USER_REAL(p, 7) += 1.;
fp2=fopen (“Impact-Stick.txt” , “a”);
fprintf( fp2 , “Force due to aero (Fa): %f, Friction force (ff): %f, How many stick? = %f, x coordinate: %f, y coorfdinate: %f, z coordinate: %f\n”, P_USER_REAL(p, 2), P_USER_REAL(p, 3), P_USER_REAL(p, 7), P_USER_REAL(p, 4), P_USER_REAL(p, 5), P_USER_REAL(p, 6));
alpha = (PI/2.0) – acos(MAX(-1.,MIN(1.,NV_DOT(normal,P_VEL(p))/ MAX(NV_MAG(P_VEL(p)),DPM_SMALL))));
F_CENTROID(x, f, t);
/* Compute normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
vn += P_VEL(p)[i]*normal[i];
/* Subtract off normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] -= vn*normal[i];
/* Apply tangential coefficient of restitution. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] *= tan_coeff;
/* Add reflected normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] -= nor_coeff*vn*normal[i];
/* Store new velocity in P_VEL0 of particle */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL0(p)[i] = P_VEL(p)[i];
P_USER_REAL(p, 8) += 1.;
fp3=fopen (“Impact-Bounce.txt” , “a”) ;
fprintf(fp3 , “Force due to aero (Fa): %f, Friction force (ff): %f, Number of particles bounced: %f\n”, P_USER_REAL(p, 2), P_USER_REAL(p, 3), P_USER_REAL(p, 8));
return PATH_END;