Hello Reno,
Thank you very much for your detailed response and the feedback the developer will provide.
I have attached below one of the surface mesh iterations, where I tried a coarser mesh on the wing (FSI interaction surface) and a finer mesh on the fluid domain to balance both element sizes. At the moment I don't have any boundary layers, adaptive meshing or any other kind of features (I think that the boundary layer is volume-meshed automatically?). I have also tried to attach the .k file with only the mesh in case it could be helpful, but I have been unable to do so.
To be honest, I didn't try to deep-refine the mesh, as I understood that a higher element count would be detrimental for the solver. I will try it and keep you updated. Same for the volume mesh workaround.
Thank you for your time. I really look forward to hear from the developer.