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August 13, 2024 at 6:15 am
Kanak BUET19
Even if the gradient is negative , I am squaring and rooting the x,y,z gradients and adding them in UDMI 3 right? It aint supposed to be the issue. However when I tried writing the heat source using DEFINE_PROFILE and used begin_f_loop , it worked (although I couldnt add any multiplying factor and gradient UDMI) . I need to multiply the "factor" and "UDMI" in order to convert the surface heat source to volumetric heat source.
CODE : ( This heats up both my gasesous and solid phase , which I dont want)
#include "udf.h"
DEFINE_PROFILE(heat_source_profile, thread, position)
  real x[ND_ND];
  face_t f;
  real current_time;
  real Q = 120; // Define your heat source magnitude (Watts)
  real rx = 5.3e-5; // Define your desired values for rx, ry, rz (meters)
  real ry = 250e-6;
  real rz = 5.3e-5;
  real A;
  real vel = 0.1e-3; // velocity @ m/s
  real PI = 3.1416;
  real x_pos;
  real x_start = 0; // Set your desired starting position in x (m)
  real y_start = 0.2e-3; // Set your desired starting position in y (m)
  real z_start = 0.1e-3; // Set your desired starting position in z (m)
  real x_local, y_local, z_local; // Declare local coordinates
  current_time = CURRENT_TIME;
  A = (6 * sqrt(3) * Q) / (PI * sqrt(PI) * rx * ry * rz);
  x_local = 0.0; // Initialize x_local outside the loop
  y_local = 0.0; // Initialize y_local outside the loop
  z_local = 0.0; // Initialize z_local outside the loop
  begin_f_loop(f, thread)
    F_CENTROID(x, f, thread);
    // Transform global coordinates to local coordinates
    x_local = x[0] - x_start;
    y_local = x[1] - y_start;
    z_local = x[2] - z_start;
    x_pos = vel * current_time;
    // Compute the heat source function value
     F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = A * exp(-3 * (pow(x_local - x_pos, 2.) / pow(rx, 2.) + pow(y_local, 2.) / pow(ry, 2.) + pow(z_local, 2.) / pow(rz, 2.)));
  end_f_loop(f, thread)