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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics CHARGE simulation: dark current vs. Surface recombination velocity Reply To: CHARGE simulation: dark current vs. Surface recombination velocity

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Handon,

I ran a quick test on one of my existing pn junction files, and this is the I vs surface recombination plot, I obtianed:

Although, I do see an increase in the current with increase in surface recombination (not as singificant as the figures you've shared), it seems to saturate after a certain values. Beyond which, I see some wiggles in the curve. I am wondering if for we are simulating that saturated portion. Have you changed all the parameters of your geometry and the material properties based on the paper? Quick question here: Are the hole and electron sat velocites set at same values in each simulation? Also, would you be able to share a screenshot of the "Geometry" tab of the emitter recombination BC? In the meantime, I will explore the topic a bit more and let you know if I have any findings.
