Ansys Learning Forum › Forums › Discuss Simulation › Fluids › Ansys Fluent UDF: DEFINE_DPM_BC › Reply To: Ansys Fluent UDF: DEFINE_DPM_BC
August 9, 2024 at 8:29 pm
Okay I get this, but how do I get the particle to stick on the wall?
1. Is there a particular macros I need to look for to access data from P_USER_REAL so I can post process / visualise the results?
2. What do you think I must do to model particle trajectory after colliding with the boundary?
3. From the below UDF I do not see a text file being generated to run my simulation, what could be the reason?
#include “udf.h”
#include “dpm.h”
#include “math.h”
#include “mem.h”
#define Rho_air 1.225 /* Air density in kg/m^3 */
#define Cd 0.47 /* Drag coefficient for a sphere */
#define mu 0.5 /* Coefficient of friction */
/* Define your boundary condition function */
DEFINE_DPM_BC(particle_bc, p, t, f, normal, dim)
real V = sqrt(P_VEL(p)[0] * P_VEL(p)[0] + P_VEL(p)[1] * P_VEL(p)[1] + P_VEL(p)[2] * P_VEL(p)[2]); /* Velocity magnitude in m/s */
FILE * fp1 ;
real alpha; /* angle of particle path with face normal */
real vn=0.;
real nor_coeff = 1.;
real tan_coeff = 0.3;
//real normal[3];
int i, idim;
real NV_VEC(x);
real radius = P_DIAM(p) / 2.0;
real A = M_PI * radius * radius; /* M_PI is a constant for π */
/* Get the face pressure */
real P_local = F_P(f, t);
/* Calculate aerodynamic force Fa */
real Fa = 0.5 * Rho_air * A * Cd * V * V;
/* Calculate normal force Fn */
real Fn = P_local * A;
/* Calculate frictional force Ff */
real Ff = mu * Fn;
if (Fa > Ff)
/* Particle needs to bounce with a coefficient of restitution of 1 */
/* Compute normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
vn += P_VEL(p)[i]*normal[i];
/* Subtract off normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] -= vn*normal[i];
/* Apply tangential coefficient of restitution. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] *= tan_coeff;
/* Add reflected normal velocity. */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL(p)[i] -= nor_coeff*vn*normal[i];
/* Store new velocity in P_VEL0 of particle */
for(i=0; i
P_VEL0(p)[i] = P_VEL(p)[i];
fp1=fopen ( “Impact.txt” , “a” ) ;
fprintf( fp1 , “%f %f %f %f\n”, Fa, Ff, radius, P_local);
fclose( fp1 );
/* Particle sticks to the boundary */
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
P_VEL(p)[i] = 0; /* Set velocity to zero */
P_USER_REAL(p, 0) = 1.0; /* Optionally set a user-defined variable to indicate sticking */
/* Save the impingement location */
P_USER_REAL(p, 1) = P_POS(p)[0]; /* X-coordinate */
P_USER_REAL(p, 2) = P_POS(p)[1]; /* Y-coordinate */
P_USER_REAL(p, 3) = P_POS(p)[2]; /* Z-coordinate */
P_USER_REAL(p, 4) = 1.0; /* Mark as stuck */
return PATH_ABORT; /* Stop tracking the particle */