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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Update geometry from Spaceclaim and updates parts that have not been modified Reply To: Update geometry from Spaceclaim and updates parts that have not been modified

Kaushal Vadnere
Ansys Employee


In workbench, right click on geometry cell and click on properties. In the properties pane, there is an option called 'Compare Parts on Update' under Advanced Geometry Options. By default it is set to NO, change that to 'associatively'. The option compares the existing geometry and updated-to geometry to determine if any bodies/parts remain unmodified. When you choose the Refresh Geometry context menu option (right-click the Geometry tree object or anywhere in the Geometry window), if no changes to the body are detected (found to be unmodified), then the body/part does not need to be remeshed after the update has occurred. 
Also, make sure that Smart CAD Update is also checked.

Refer to this article in Ansys help: Compare Parts on Update (ansys.com)