Hi Deven,
To model contact between 2 bodies which have intial seperation, you can use ‘stabilization damping factor’ in contact. The stabilization damping factor provides a certain resistance to damp the relative motion between the contacting surfaces and prevents rigid body motion. The stabilization damping factor works similar as defining a spring between 2 bodies with a very small stiffness which will hold the bodies together without significantly affecting the stiffness of the system.Â
You can create manual contacts to overcome your issue with automatic contacts.
For no penetration, you can use ‘Normal Lagrange’ formulation. Normal lagrange enforces zero penetration when contact is closed making use of a Lagrange multiplier on the normal direction and a penalty method in the tangential direction. Refer to this article in Ansys help for more info on Advanced contact settings: Advanced Settings (ansys.com)
All these settings work for prestress static analysis.
You can take these FREE ansys innovation courses to learn more about contact mechanics and best practices: Rigid Body Motion in Contact | Ansys Innovation Courses, Fundamental Topics in Contact | Ansys Innovation Courses, Contact Mechanics | Ansys Innovation Courses