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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids From Aqwa to Dynamic analysis Reply To: From Aqwa to Dynamic analysis

Mike Pettit
Ansys Employee


The Hydrodynamic Pressure add-on in Ansys Mechanical is designed exactly for this. The add-on reads the pressures which have been calculated by Aqwa over the hydrodynamic mesh, and maps them on to the selected surfaces of the structural model. We can also map connection loads (cable tensions, joint reactions and tether loads) as well as Morison element loads (new in Release 2024 R2) from a time domain Hydrodynamic Response analysis.

It is only possible to transfer pressures from Aqwa to a Static Structural analysis; we do not support Transient Structural yet, though this may be introduced in the future. The time steps of the hydrodynamic analysis are considered as independent load steps in the structural analysis.

Now that the online help is publically available, I can point you to the relevant section of the Aqwa User Manual, which explains how to set up the workflow: 8.1.3. Setting up your Workflow in Workbench (ansys.com)

I hope this helps!
