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Nick Jankowski


That post is really helpful! But I don't think the script runs properly. I have been attempting to rename each body 'under the hood' of Ansys and use the new name (body_1,body_2...) to post-process results easily in APDL. However, now Ansys is returning the error: 

 Empty parentheses.                                                     
 *** ERROR ***                           CP =       0.062   TIME= 15:09:41
 The above error occurred processing field= BODY.GETGEOBODY().ID        

I've looked through the documentation of GetGeoBody().Id and I feel as though I'm deploying it correctly? Here is the snippet of code:
for body in bodies:       
    if body.Suppressed is False:
        nb_bodies += 1
        with Transaction():
            new_snippet = body.AddCommandSnippet()
            string1 = 'body_'+str(nb_bodies) + ' = body.GetGeoBody().Ids \n'