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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Calculating the Area of a Highly Deformed Region in FEA Analysis Reply To: Calculating the Area of a Highly Deformed Region in FEA Analysis

Erik Kostson
Ansys Employee


Not sure I understand, which area it is you want to measure (explain more if the below does not help, and other forum members might be able to help more).
One way could be to (measure deformed section of a solid) :
1. Export deformed shape as STL (go to results and right mouse button click and Export -> STL File.

2. Bring this geometry into spaceclaim and use the Extract Curves tool (under Tools Menu).

3. Select all curves and go to Design and Fill – this will create a surface. The area of the surface can be measured (Measure menu),

Hope this of some help search the internet for more tips on the tools mentioned.

Perhaps other forum members have some other ideas also.

All the best and good luck.
