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Fakhreddine Madi

Yes its a 2D case and I am lunching fluent in 2d. I have tried two code I know used to work (3 weeks ago) here is one of them taken from GitHub: 


#include "udf.h"

#define T_max   4                           /*Flow time in s when the morphing stops*/
#define W_te    0.001*0.2286         /*Maximum flap deflection*/
#define x_s     0.75*0.2286         /*location where the morphing starts*/
#define Thick   0.12                /*Airfoil thickness 12/100 in NACA 0012*/
#define freq    100                 /*Morphing frequency*/
#define FTT     0.004                /*Time in s when the moprhing starts*/
#define chord   0.2286              /*Airfoil chord*/

DEFINE_GRID_MOTION(morphing_upper, domain, dt, time, dtime)
  Thread *tf = DT_THREAD(dt);
  face_t f;
  Node *node_p;
  real x, y, thickness, camber, theta, yupper, dy_c, slope, xupper;
  int n;

  /* Set/activate the deforming flag on adjacent cell zone, which */
  /* means that the cells adjacent to the deforming wall will also be */
  /* deformed, in order to avoid skewness. */

  /* Loop over the deforming boundary zone's faces; */
  /* inner loop loops over all nodes of a given face; */
  /* Thus, since one node can belong to several faces, one must guard */
  /* against operating on a given node more than once: */

  begin_f_loop(f, tf)
    f_node_loop(f, tf, n)
      node_p = F_NODE(f, tf, n);

      /* Update the current node only if it has not been */
      /* previously visited: */
      if (NODE_POS_NEED_UPDATE(node_p))
        /* Set flag to indicate that the current node's */
        /* position has been updated, so that it will not be */
        /* updated during a future pass through the loop: */

        x = NODE_X(node_p);
        thickness = (chord * Thick / 0.2) * (0.2969 * sqrt(x / chord) - 0.1260 * x / chord - 0.3516 * pow((x / chord), 2) + 0.2843 * pow((x / chord), 3) - 0.1036 * pow((x / chord), 4));

        if (CURRENT_TIME > FTT)
          if (x >= x_s)
            camber = -(W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * (CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq) * pow((x - x_s), 3)) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3));
            dy_c = (-3 * W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * (CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq) * pow((x - x_s), 2)) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3));
            theta = atan((-3 * W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * (CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq)) * pow((x - x_s), 2) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3)));
            xupper = x - thickness * sin(theta);
            yupper = camber + thickness * cos(theta);
            NODE_Y(node_p) = yupper;
  end_f_loop(f, tf);
DEFINE_GRID_MOTION(morphing_lower, domain, dt, time, dtime)
    Thread* tf = DT_THREAD(dt);
    face_t f;
    Node* node_p;
    real  x, y, thickness, camber, theta, lower, dy_c, xlower, slope;
    int n;

    /* Set/activate the deforming flag on adjacent cell zone, which      */
    /* means that the cells adjacent to the deforming wall will also be  */
    /* deformed, in order to avoid skewness.                             */

    /* Compute the angles:                                               */
    /* Loop over the deforming boundary zone's faces;                    */
    /* inner loop loops over all nodes of a given face;                  */
    /* Thus, since one node can belong to several faces, one must guard  */
    /* against operating on a given node more than once:                 */

    begin_f_loop(f, tf)
        f_node_loop(f, tf, n)
            node_p = F_NODE(f, tf, n);

            /* Update the current node only if it has not been         */
            /* previously visited:                                     */
            if (NODE_POS_NEED_UPDATE(node_p))
                /* Set flag to indicate that the current node's        */
                /* position has been updated, so that it will not be   */
                /* updated during a future pass through the loop:      */

                x = NODE_X(node_p);
                thickness = (chord * Thick / 0.2) * (0.2969 * sqrt(x / chord) - 0.1260 * x / chord - 0.3516 * pow((x / chord), 2) + 0.2843 * pow((x / chord), 3) - 0.1036 * pow((x / chord), 4));

                if (CURRENT_TIME > FTT) {
                    if (x >= x_s) {
                        camber = -(W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * ((CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq)) * pow((x - x_s), 3)) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3));
                        dy_c = (-3 * W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * (CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq)) * pow((x - x_s), 2) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3));
                        theta = atan((-3 * W_te * sin(2 * M_PI * (CURRENT_TIME - FTT) * freq)) * pow((x - x_s), 2) / (pow((chord - x_s), 3)));
                        slope = sin(theta);
                        xlower = x + thickness * slope;
                        lower = camber - thickness * cos(theta);
                        NODE_Y(node_p) = lower;
    end_f_loop(f, tf);