We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Preprocessing Topology does not match the blade profile Reply To: Topology does not match the blade profile

Ansys Employee

If you have defined the geometry in BladeGen, I would use the following approach to generate a TurboGrid mesh from the BladeGen geometry:

-In BladeGen, go to File->Export->Neutral Data File.  Save the resulting NDF file in the user_files forlde of the WorkBench project

-Drag out Geometry from the Toolbox in WorkBench and open DesignModeler.  Use the BladeEditor icon "Load NDF" to load the Neutral Data file that was just generated

-Drag out TurboGrid from the Toolbox in WorkBench and attach it to the Geometry cell that was just created.  Generate the mesh in TurboGrid

This is the most accurate approach.Â