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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Representation of a property(for example Hardness) in the ansys post processing. Reply To: Representation of a property(for example Hardness) in the ansys post processing.

Ansys Employee

Are you opening the file in Excel and doing any work to it? You can open in NotePad to and try changing some values since NotePad does writes out pretty much the same format as it read, which means same encoding (UTF-8) and same end-of-line characters. If you open in Excel and edit, you should be able to write as a tab delimited text file.

It must be tab delimited. Pretty much, it must be the exact format you would get when you right click on a result to "Export > Export Text File."
Also, it will be required to have "File > Options > Mechanical > Export", "Include Node Numbers" = Yes and "Include Node Locations" = No.
It will require 1 title row and it looks for the key text "Node Number." You can change the title of the exported quantity to anything (but not "Node Number"), and it must be tab delimited:
Node Number    hello
1    8.0404e-004
2    1.1004e-003
3    1.1004e-003
"Mechanical Application > Mechanical User's Guide > Results > User Defined Results > Application > Limitations for Imported Files"