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I use transient solver type. blue and red coils are drive coils green coils are recieve coils.  All the coils which are in the same colour are connected in series.6 red and blue coils and 4 green coils exist. I created 6 coil terminals for red coils and group them under a winding_red and create 6 coil terminals for the blu and group them under winding_blue. these two winding are in current type and have a sinusoidal current. drive coils create a magnetic field and therefore induce a voltage across green coils.Later I will put material (phantom ) inside the fourth green coil which will induce a voltage across the fourth green coil. In order just to see the induced voltage due to the  material ı need to find a way so that induced voltage across the green coils as a result of magnetic field created by drive coils sum up to zero. Otherwise ı can’t see the induced voltage as a result of material since it is very small compare to the induced voltage created by drive coils. I first used polygon helixes since my system is symmetric according to zx plane ı chose recieve1 and recieve3 to turn right , recieve2 and recieve4 to turn left and this did the job but ı need to make them cyclindirical and don't know how to achieve same goal. I tried this: create winding for each recieve coil as win_recieve1,win_recieve2,win_recieve3,win_recieve4 chose their type as external, create an external circuit and connect  every winding in series and add a 1Mohm resistance in series(did not put any source). After running the simulation ı created an output variable as InducedVoltage(win_recieve1)+InducedVoltage(win_recieve3)-InducedVoltage(win_recieve2)-InducedVoltage(win_recieve4) and InducedVoltage(win_recieve1)+InducedVoltage(win_recieve3). the second output variable is for control purposes. theoratically the time plot of first output variable must be 0 but ı get 7.5vpp and second output variable gives me 600vpp. isn't my logic corret , how can I achieve my goal(making the sum of induced voltage across recieve coils zero).I also did not understand the purpose of the resistance in the external circuit when unless ı add a resistance ı got an error, don't windings have internal resistance?