Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Gettiing problem with interacting structures have moved too far Reply To: Gettiing problem with interacting structures have moved too far


Dear sir, i thank you for your reply 

I have been gone through this discussion but cannot get it properly, i have created fenders between both structures, and settedd the fender axis and contact axis with the trial and error process until i get the graphics of fender changed to the red. now the fenders are displaying in red color, i am not sure whether they have connected in perfect, please guide me how to set the fender and contact axis. Also in the thread above you mentioned about to set some non zero stiffness coefficient (A-E) for the fender stiffness definition, i have set the stiffness coefficient to 5000N/m. but still I am getting "HYDRODYNAMICALLY INTERACTING STRUCTURES HAVE MOVED TOO FAR FROM ANALYST POSITION MOVEMENT EXCEEDS 75% STOPPED AT TIME = 4.00." so can you guide me to clear thhis error, it would be a great help from your side.  Â