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Ansys Employee


If you are only running on the local computer (1 computer), you can run without MPI. Running with 400 threads (-t 400) on the local computer (localhost) will take up 13 solve licenses (400/32). Ensure that you have 400 threads on the local computer and you are not oversubscribing the number of threads that what is available on the local machine. 
>>Ansys optics solve, accelerator, and Ansys HPC license consumption – Ansys Optics 

#try running without '-use-solve' argument
/opt/lumerical/v241/bin/eme-engine -t 400 simulationfile.lms
/opt/lumerical/v241/bin/fdtd-engine -t 400 simulationfile.fsp

You can check the running processes with top. 

#run from terminal
top -H

With the (-H) argument, should show each eme engine process/cpu thread.