

I swapped to a displacement load, and I am getting some errors now I am unsure about

*** ERROR ***                           CP =      86.234   TIME= 09:03:44
 Solution not converged at time 0.5 (load step 1 substep 1).            
  Run terminated.                                                       

 *** WARNING ***                         CP =      86.234   TIME= 09:03:44
 The unconverged solution (identified as time 1 substep 999999) is      
 output for analysis debug purposes.  Results should not be used for    
 any other purpose.                  



I am also getting this one:
The solver engine was unable to converge on a solution for the nonlinear problem as constrained.  Please see the Troubleshooting section of the Help System for more information.
I am a bit unsure about these errors