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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Using UPFs in Ansys Workbench installed on Linux Reply To: Using UPFs in Ansys Workbench installed on Linux

Manu Kamin

Hello David,

Thanks for your response.

I am following the steps below, but I do not think my custom subroutine is being invoked : 

1. Installed Intel Parallel Studio and Ansys version of GNU

2. Copied usercreep.F file to two locations : /opt/ansys_inc/v232/ansys/customize/user/ (the location where my .so file is placed) and /media/manu/Data1/results_TBC/2dvalidation_allstress_refload/tbc_workflow_files/dp0/SYS-1/MECH (the location belonging to my Ansys case files). 

2. Exported all paths using the following commands :  

export PATH=/media/manu/phd/Ansys/bin:$PATH

export ANS_COMPILER_PATH=/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.1/bin

export ANS_USER_PATH="/opt/ansys_inc/v232/ansys/customize/user"

3. Compiled Ansys with my custom subroutine usercreep.F using the following command : /opt/ansys_inc/v232/ansys/customize/user/ANSUSERSHARED   I was able to successfully compile and link the shared library by typing "y" upon the prompt "y/n"

4. Next, I open Ansys Workbench, then start Ansys Mechanical, and then invoked creep by following the same commands as in the tutorial : 

tbdata, 1,3

Then,  create a new command in which I invoke the usercreep subroutine using the following command :

/upf, usercreep.F

Then, I run the simululation by clicking "solve" within the GUI, only to get an error immediately. I have attached screenshots of both my setup as well as error message.

I am not sure if the procedure that I am following is correct. There was a print command within my usercreep.F subroutine which does not seem to have got executed. Am I missing something?

If I am running ANsys on GUI, where does the print command get written to? The terminal from which I have opened Ansys using the command runwb2?