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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Volume extract Body Reply To: Volume extract Body

Keyur Kanade
Ansys Employee

Please check geometry in SpaceClaim/Discovery. 
Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)
The geometry should be error free to proceed. 
If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places. 


You can find general procedure for fluid volume extraction in following video.


Another reason is having some tangential contacts at some circular surfaces. Please make sure that bodies are intersecting instead of just touching each other.


Sometimes bodies are in contact only at some edges. At this point volume extraction may fail. In this case as well please make sure that bodies are intersecting each other.


During volume extraction some boolean operations are done in the background. If those boolean operations fail then volume extraction fails. In this case please check if you can use "Combine" command to "Merge" all solid volumes one by one. Please check if any volume is giving any problem. 


If you have only handful bodies not part of fluid volume, please check if you can use "Combine" command to subtract required bodies from fluid volume.



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