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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Flask adsorption on orbital shaker Reply To: Flask adsorption on orbital shaker


Hello, in itself is an adsorption process that is performed at laboratory scale, in which the solution with the adsorbate is added to a flask, in this case it is a drug and a certain amount of adsorbent is added, the stirrer (150 RPM) keeps the solid in suspension and mass transfer occurs. From the experiment an adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics are obtained.

I have added the motion of the orbital shaker as is in the following link: /forum/forums/topic/simulating-an-orbital-shaker/

The fluid domain occupies the entire interior of the flask, since it is multiphase, it is composed of the mixture and the air for which the VOF model was used. Then a new region is created that corresponds to the mixture and through path the corresponding volume fraction =1 is added. Up to that point the simulation takes a long time, 1% took me around 12h, I tried to do it in axisymmetric 2d, but this time was reduced to 8h for the same 1%. 

I reviewed the information on adsorption but all cases are carried out on a wall, in this case it would be in the entire volume of the mixture since it is assumed that the solid is uniformly distributed.