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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids 1-way FSI from Transient Structural to Fluent Reply To: 1-way FSI from Transient Structural to Fluent

Adamya Dhaker

Hello Mr. Rahul


Thank you very much for your help and response- it is very helpful! Noted on your instructions- I will use a single data transfer from Mechanical to Fluent. Many thanks for sharing the tutorials as well, I shall certainly take a look. 

On a slightly different tangent, could you please answer one more question- can I apply displacement across time to a 3-D body's centerline to induce a deformation? For example, I have a solid body (a curved tube) who's centerline coordinates (and curve equation) are known across time. Can I use that to induce the motion? Then I plan to transfer this to Fluent to see the motion's effects on the fluid. 

Thanks a lot :)