Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids How to move fluid zone in fluent without imposing a velocity? Reply To: How to move fluid zone in fluent without imposing a velocity?

Ansys Employee

Hello Hunter, 

You can have Overset 2 (wake mesh) follow the motion of Overset 1 (with 6DOF) by assigning Rigid body motion to the wake mesh as Passive 6DOF. This means that forces will not be calculated on the wake mesh but it will follow the resulting motion of Overset 1. However, this will have the same degrees of freedom as your Overset 1 mesh (i.e. will include rotational freedom).

If you have access to the translational velocity that you want to assign to Overset 2, I would use DEFINE_CG_MOTION instead of GRID_MOTION. The latter is used when there is some deformation involved and hence you want to prescribe motion on a node basis.