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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Optics Loss vs. waveguide bend radius in Lumerical FEEM Reply To: Loss vs. waveguide bend radius in Lumerical FEEM


Hi Guilin,

 The problem I was facing has been resolved. It seems I did not have to increase the bent simulation region too much. Inorder to check the fields, I had to check for individual parameter values instead of giving a sweep.

1) I noticed that the mode number keeps changing for a particular mode (for different bent radius). So, the plot obtained while sweeping the parameter contains loss values of different modes (not necessarily the mode of interest).

2) I tried 'lock mesh' option available in FEEM. It prevented the sweep from running successfully.

3) I used larger value in 'polynomial order' in mesh settings, and checked the meshing. It did not result in any change whichever value I chose.

I would also like to bring to your notice that in the example of bent waveguide in FEEM (https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409707153811-Bent-Waveguide-FEEM), the script "waveguide_bend_sweep.lsf" displays results in dB/cm (while the values are in SI unit).

Thank you.