Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Laminar flow and pressure measurements Reply To: Laminar flow and pressure measurements

Antonio Sola

Beginning again... We have three cases:



Essentially are the same (same inlet and outlet channels diameters, same initial velocity at the inlet).


The unique difference is the diameter of the circular internal duct (circular duct diameter of case #1 is the smallest).


The problem I see is that increasing the diameter of the internal circular duct, the average pressure is smaller (when I think should be bigger, because the velocity should decrease and the pressure increase).


Here are new relations between the values gotten in the different cases:



As we can see, the average pressure decrease when circular duct diameter is bigger (it doesn't have sense for me).


Some images about the velocity and inlet profiles:


Comparison between Case #1 (left) and Case #2 (right):




Comparison between Case #2 (left) and Case #3 (right):




Thank you for your interest and best regards.