Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Materials Material property question : Resistivity function of moisture concentration Reply To: Material property question : Resistivity function of moisture concentration

Ansys Employee

Resistivity can be defined vs concentration with a table:  mp,rsvx,,%tabname%

During solution tables return a value based on the current value of their "primary variable," in this case CONC.  Sample commands to create a table are:

*dim,rsvx_val,table,4,,,CONC   !!! table with 4 values for resistivity vs concentration

rsvx_val(1,0)=1e-3,2e-3,3e-3,4e-3   ! Concentration values (column 0, index column)

rsvx_val(1,1)=1e-6,2e-6,3e-6,4e-6   ! Corresponding resistivity values (column 1)

You can edit/display the table in the APDL gui using top toolbar Parameters:  Array Parameters> Define/Edit