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Jana Rittelmann


Hi Ashish, 

thank you for your answer. Maybe the following snapshots will provide more clarity: 

This is the full geometry, eighth and quarter geometry in cross section, respectively: 


The inner part rotates inside of the outer part. Now, I want to look at the stresses on the corners of the octagon (inner part). Due to contact with the outer part, I do expect higher stresses there. 

But as you can see in the following pictures, there is a line of high stress along the edge of the cyclic boundary: 

If I take the quarter geometry and look at the corner that has not been cut, it looks like this (it is the same location as before): 

I also looked at nodal differences for the two versions and they are much lower for the corners in the quarter model that have not been cut. 

From this, I would assume that for some reason (maybe because of load/contact?) I cannot cut the corners like I did with the eighth model. But as suggested in your answer, Ashish, I hope that for the quarter model, the stresses should at least be correct for the uncut corners?

Thanks in advance!