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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Systems problem with the 2024R1 product installation tool Reply To: problem with the 2024R1 product installation tool

Mrunali Barde
Ansys Employee

Hello Jifa, 

I assume you have Ansys academic licenses.
Can you please help me understand what needs to be downloaded using an Automated installer?

As the electronics package is already installed you can use the application ahead by adding server details.

  1. make sure you have added the license file in the ansys license manager (either locally or on a shared server/device)

  2.  Once done, point the license from the user end:

To configure the license server in the client machine, follow the below steps: 

  • Go to Start> Ansys 202x Rx> ANSYS Client Licensing Settings 202xRx (Right click and “Run as Administrator”)
  • Go to Flexnet Publisher, enter the port number (1055 is the default) and license server name in the required fields, and hit Test.
  • A green check will be shown which means you are connected to this license server. Click Save.

I hope this helps, 