Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Chemkin Parallel hangs on 2024R1 Reply To: Chemkin Parallel hangs on 2024R1

Mike H.


Thanks again for the response. Now I am having trouble running a single case in 2024R1 vs 2023R2. Both have the same error tolerances. The 2024R1 just hangs and gets stuck at 100% in the solver window.

However, I did not have issues running a sample PFR case in 2024R1. So, it must be specific to my case. I can't really share my input files due to privacy concerns, but it is a 21 reaction and 16 species PFR with the SRK equation of state.

For now, I will default back to 2023R2. Maybe in the future, I can spend more time troubleshooting.

Best regards.