Marcin Nowak

"The inlet flow and outlet pressure may determine pooling but as both are transient you need to know those values, or potentially assign the motion. " - Yes, I know these values. However when I use them in the model, the determined inlet pressure differs much, from the measured value at the inlet. And therefore, as the determined inlet pressure is different (smaller), the wall pressure is smaller, and deformations are smaller than measured. Of course decreasing solid material stiffness will increase deformations, however the determined inlet pressure still varies.

Maybe the solution, will be,
1) first, model the deformations using pressure-inlet and pressure-outlet, as these BCs properly reflect deformations (but velocities, no)
2) then, impose the calculated deformations from model 1), and impose velocity-inlet and pressure-outlet, to properly reflect the flow field,

What do you think Rob?