Avnish Pandey
Ansys Employee

Hi Issac,

The meshes in the Static Structural and Hydrodynamic Diffraction systems are generally not coincident, which necessitates some approach to map the hydrodynamic pressures onto the structural mesh. The Pressure Mapping option can be set to Interpolated or Direct.

Where the direct method is used, hydrodynamic pressure components at the position of each selected node are evaluated directly from the diffracting panel source strengths calculated in the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis. If the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis contains multiple structures, it is possible to use the direct method to map pressures onto one of those structures in the Static Structural system. The direct method also permits mapping onto the outer surfaces of Solid Bodies. This method avoids the loss of accuracy due to interpolation, but it cannot be used to map loads onto Line Bodies.

Check section in the below help documentation for more information.

Importing Hydrodynamic Diffraction Pressures and Loads to Mechanical

For the ACT extension, refer the below manual.

Microsoft Word - Aqwa_HD_loadmapping_beta.docx (ansys.com)