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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Discrepancy in Transmission coefficients when calculated using S-para analysis Reply To: Discrepancy in Transmission coefficients when calculated using S-para analysis

Guilin Sun
Ansys Employee

I guess the "theta"  is the atom rotation angle?


When adding a phase to a complex number, it might not work as expected by simplying multiply 1i to the complext number. This is because complex num ber can only pick up phase between -pi to pi.  I suggest that you use ans(s)*exp(1i*angle(s)+1i*pi/2) . Sometimes it can avoid some issues.

In addition, definitions for left- and right- handed circular polarization can be confusing. Please compare the other handedness and see if it agrees.

You do not need to sweep all the points. Simply sweep just one points and compare the results.   I assume you are accessing S result from the s-param analysis group, and using the grating analysis. If you use the near field data, please make sure there is no higher order diffraction. It is single wavelength source.

Without detailed settings, I can only provide the above suggestions.