Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Fluent TUI, display mesh options Reply To: Fluent TUI, display mesh options

Marcin Nowak

"Can you set up the images via the GUI prior to running?" - Unfortunately no, if I could I would use this solution.

"Also remember that if you can set up the mesh object that it'll retain the settings  - Yeah I tried to use the "retained settings" of mesh, that you are talking about, by using in TUI a referrrence to saved settings "mesh-1":

(cx-gui-do cx-set-list-tree-selections "NavigationPane*List_Tree1" (list "Results|Graphics|Mesh|mesh-1"))
(cx-gui-do cx-list-tree-right-click "NavigationPane*List_Tree1" )
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "MenuBar*PopupMenuTree-mesh-1*Display")
However I get an error, saying that above is not possible to execute because there is no active GUI. Therefore I used instead:
and it works, images are saved, however with the 'faces only", not "edges only". So now I need the TUI commands to change it.
"However, if you've no GUI on the cluster how are you creating images? Fluent displays the image to then save it, it's not a virtual image. " - There is no problem with saving images (regular files) despite the fact that GUI is not active and Fluent displays images in the background mode.