We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Employee

@Jason Bonacum,

The error you provided indicates that there is a network connection/access issue between your client machine and the license server, "rho.mcc.northwestern.edu".

To debug & troubleshoot, try:

  1. Reboot your local computer.
  2. Remove/delete all of the Lumerical preference.ini files Including the License.ini file from your machine.
    >>Ansys Lumerical product preference files – Ansys Optics 
  3. Try the command below – note there is no { }/[ ] on the server’s hostname. You can also try the IP address of the license server.
    "C:\Program Files\Lumerical\v241\licensingclient\winx64\lmutil.exe" lmstat -c 1055@rho.mcc.northwestern.edu -a 
    "C:\Program Files\Lumerical\v241\licensingclient\winx64\lmutil.exe" lmstat -c 1055@IP_ADDRESS -a
  4. Open the Optics Launcher and configure Lumerical using the Optics Launcher > Licenses > Configuration utility
    >>Try the IP address instead of the hostname, “rho.mcc.northwestern.edu”. 
  5. Apply and restart the Launcher when prompted.
  6. Check if “Domain” indicates “Server unreachable or licenses not found” in the Optics Launcher > Licenses > Configuration utility
    If this is the case, consult with your IT/license server admins on how you can connect to the server, “rho.mcc.northwestern.edu” on the TCP ports used in the Ansys license manager. >>Configuring the Ansys license manager for shared access – Ansys Optics