Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Failed to Generate the rotation of masses Reply To: Failed to Generate the rotation of masses


Hi Peter,

Thank you for replying. This sub assembly (ESM 1) is fixed:

On the other hand, this is the sub assembly (ESM 2) which has rotation about Z. 

The contacts between the components of ESM 1 are defined as 'Bonded' and the contacts between the components of ESM 2 are also defined as bonded (I also made another configuration defining them as Rev Joints). The contacts between ESM 2 components that come in contact with ESM 1 are set to 'Frictionless'.  Regarding the Forces C and D these are to represent the effect of compression springs.

Regarding the contacts. These are the contacts that should allow sliding and separation:

and this contact should allow sliding but not separation: