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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical ANSYS AQWA. How to set fender condition for move only vertical direction? Reply To: ANSYS AQWA. How to set fender condition for move only vertical direction?

Mike Pettit
Ansys Employee


Your fender arrangement looks perfect to me, and I don't think that you need another joint in the model.

The problem you are encountering now is related to the hydrodynamic interaction between the pile and box structures. In the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis, the Aqwa solver calculates the radiation and diffraction effects for each structure, but also the interaction effect: the heave motion of the box generates a radiated wave that affects the forces acting on the pile, while the diffraction effect of the pile will affect the wave forces on the box. In other words, the frequency-dependent added mass and radiation damping matrices calculated by Aqwa are extended to include the degrees of freedom of both structures (i.e. 12x12 instead of 6x6).

However, the hydrodynamic interaction effect is only calculated for the structures in their definition positions in the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis. In the time domain, as the structures move relative to one another, the interaction effects between them are not recalculated. Therefore the Aqwa solver applies a limit to the relative motion that it will allow in the time domain, because the results become unreliable when the relative motion is too large. Also, this limit is more restrictive when the structures are close together in the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis.

To avoid this problem, you could consider turning off the interaction effect. This may not be unreasonable, as the pile is fixed in position (zero radiation term) and is quite small in diameter (small diffraction term). To turn off hydrodynamic interaction, click on the Hydrodynamic Diffraction Structure Selection, then click on Interacting Structure Group 1, click on some empty space in the Graphical Window (to deselect the structures) and then click Apply. The field should change from 'All' to 'None'. You will need to re-run the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis, but this should allow you to run the time domain analysis without any problems.

I hope this helps!
