That's a good question. I think the mode calculator just helps you specify which Floquet modes (m,n=[(0,0), (0,1), ...]) you want to include in your simulation. Each mode can be propagating or evanescent, depending on the size of the unit cell. The mode calculator shows which are which so that you can include all the propagating ones and give enough distance for the evanescent ones to disappear before making it to a floquet port. It does not set up the simulation for a parametric sweep over the angles.
You need to define global variables like "$scan_theta" and "$scan_phi" (but any name will do) to do a sweep over different incidence angles. The global varaiables you define go into the phase delay fields for the primary/secondary or lattice pair boundaries. Then you can set up a parameteric sweep for those global variables, and that may give you what you are looking for. The polarization sweep will be built-in to the simulation, where TE and TM modes are the different polarizations (horizontal and vertical).
Best of luck