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Here is a summary of the two rounds of running:
1. boundary X/Y standard = 64/32 layer, Z is Metal:
2. boundary X standard=64, Y steep angle = 64, Z standard =16:
Neither of them converge. They both diverge after reaching shutoff = 2~4e-3
Using Standard 64 and 16 layers of PML at X/Z boundary is enough, the light in PML will decrease to lower than or near e-4:
But in Y min boundary where it faces the scatter light from input S bend WG, the absorption is not good, especially the steep angle one:
Steep Angle = 64 layer:
Standard layer=32:
Right now the only side where PML can not effectively absorb is Y min boundary. Do you think it's the reason causing the divergence? Let me know why 64 layer steep angle gives a worse result in absorption than standard 32 layers and how I can further optimize. Thanks.