@Amrith, This forum is public, meaning, anyone can see what you post here. Please refrain from posting Personally Identifiable information here. I have removed all the links that you used, along with images that had emails of university folks. I would recommend going through the forum rules and guidelines before posting on the forum once!
To simulate on a cluster without RSM or cloud, you would typically need to manually transfer the simulation files to the cluster and use the cluster's job scheduling system to execute the simulation. This process can vary depending on the specific cluster setup and the job scheduler in use (e.g., Slurm, PBS, etc.). You will need to write a job script that loads the necessary Ansys modules, sets up the environment, and runs the simulation executable with the correct command-line arguments.
Please note that Material Designer and SpaceClaim won't be supported on Linux (https://www.ansys.com/content/dam/it-solutions/platform-support/2024-r1/ansys-2024-r1-platform-support-by-application.pdf), so the best way would be to create all geometry-related data locally (or on Windows cluster) and then use the scripts to run the solver. I think you are getting as much as you can without installing RSM for now.