John Farrell

Hi again, 

CFL at my current timestep size is < 1 throughout the simulation beginning and end. 

During the decelleration period I decreased the timestep size to avoid convergence issues resulting in CFL << 1, I am seeing large ocsillations in scaled residuals plot from the beginning of each timestep to the end (~1e-3 to ~1e-13 continuity, ~1e-5 to ~1e-18 y-velocity, and ~1e-8 to ~1e-18 x & z-velocity), is this indicative of a setup problem or should I only be concerned with the final value reached at the end of each timestep? The final iteration of each timestep reaches the same value as the previous ones.

Also, are there negatives to prescribing a timestep that results in CFL << 1 for simulations?

Thanks in advance,

(Sorry for the spam, I replied to thread as opposed to your comment specifically)