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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics FDE simulation shows negative effective refractive index Reply To: FDE simulation shows negative effective refractive index

Amrita Pati
Ansys Employee

Hi Victoria,

I will recommend unchecking that option for now. I believe the the gain is most likely because of the PML. When you are simulating a bent waveguide, the radiation from the waveguide (a lot of which is opposite to the direction of the bend) can interact with the PML boundaries to create artificial gain/loss. So, it is recommended to limit these as much as possible by increasing the simulation span. I will ask you to run the simulation for different simulation spans, this is also called convergence testing. Start at the current value and then increase the FDE simulation span, at some point you would see the losses converge to a single value even even when you increase the simulation span. This would be the actual loss you are looking for.
